How I Can Help You Buy the Right Home for You
- Providing you with my commitment to excellence to guarantee professionalism.
- Counseling with you to determine wants, needs and buying abilities.
- Facilitating the home financing loan approval process, if needed.
- Searching for your ideal home in the REALTOR’S Multiple Listing Service-MLS.
- Creating a personalized marketing campaign to find your ideal home, even if it is not one found in the MLS; I can assist you with most any home on the market.
- Providing you with a CMA (Comparable Market Analysis) on the home you are interested in putting an offer in on to help you determine/confirm your offer price.
- Writing an offer and negotiate to get you the “best deal” on the home you want.
- Opening Escrow, including depositing your earnest money check.
- Handling the many details during escrow; “troubleshooting” problems early on.
- Providing you with a list of service providers in your neighborhood.
- Direct contact with the top listing agents in the area who may have homes that will soon be available for purchase, but are not yet on the open market.
- Direct marketing to homeowners who are not listed for sale with an MLS broker.
- “I Represent A Potential Buyer” marketing pieces in targeted neighborhoods.
- Ads in Home Magazines, if and when needed or as requested by Buyer.
- Adding you to a “Do You Know of a Home For this Buyer?” link on my website.
- Working with you as a team member in partnership to accomplish your goals.